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Lokalizacja: Szambala w Internecie

Znalezienie wolności: Podstawowe nauki Buddy

Przeglądaj ten nagrany kurs Shambhala Online we własnym tempie.

O serialu

This five-course-series provides a thorough exploration of core Buddhist teachings, drawing on teachings from prominent teachers and classic Buddhist sources. If you have ever wondered “what Buddhism is all aboutor feel like you need a refresher on the key teachings, this is the course for you!

The Hinayana path is where every Buddhist practitioner begins. It is based on the mindfulness and awareness training of meditation as well as many other core Buddhist principles and teachings, Jak na przykład: The Four Noble Truths, Cztery znaki istnienia, Majtri (friendliness to oneself), Karma, Pięć skandh, Cztery podstawy uważności, and many more foundational teachings of the Buddha that are the heart the Buddhist practitioner’s path.

Explore these recorded sessions at your own pace to find more contentment and joy and to discover the freedom you can have from anxiety, depresja, podniecenie, and fear. There are no live sessions, so you will receive all course materials upon registration and can take this course from the comfort of your own home, on your own schedule.

Benefits of the Course

  • Poprzez praktykę medytacji, experience the present moment of everyday life just as it is
  • Develop more contentment and joy and live with greater clarity and compassion
  • Begin to understand the cause of your anxiety, depresja, and fear and how you can be free from it
  • Develop more friendliness to yourself, allowing you to meet the challenges of daily life with bravery and dignity
  • Cultivate having a more open heartboth to yourself and others

The registration fee for this course series is $399. While this may be a large upfront investment, you will receive multiple talks on each topic from some of Shambhala’s most treasured teachers, while gaining insight and tools to last a lifetime.

Breakdown of Five-Course Series

One of the most foundational Buddhist teachings, “The Four Noble Truths”, is used as the overall organizing principle for this course and is threaded throughout each session.

The Four Noble Truths are

  • The Truth of Suffering (we all experience ongoing anxiety, strach, depresja, ból)
  • The Truth of the Cause of Suffering (there is a reason why we experience our experience as suffering – Lęk, strach, ból, depresja, itp.)
  • The Truth of the Cessation of Suffering (it is actually possible to end our anxiety, strach, depression and other forms of suffering)
  • The Truth of the Path to the Cessation of Suffering (there is an actual path to follow where we learn the tools and methods for how we no longer need to experience anxiety, strach, depresja, and other forms of suffering)

Kurs I – Pierwsza Szlachetna Prawda: Spotkanie Cierpienia z Maitri

This first section of the 5-part course offers an exploration of the nature of suffering (the anxiety, depresja, and fear we work with every day) from the perspective of another foundational Buddhist teachingthe Four Marks of Existence.

The Four Marks of Existence are: Nietrwałość, Cierpienie, Selflessness, and Peace, and we learn how we can meet our anxiety, depression and other forms of suffering with maitria sanskrit word for “unconditional friendliness.The teachers also guide students in the exploration and practice of Mindfulness of Body, pierwszy z Czterech Podstaw Uważności – yet another core Buddhist teaching.

W swoich najwcześniejszych naukach, the Buddha taught that the suffering, Lęk, depresja, and fear of everyday existence is the First Noble Truth. Such underlying agitation and suffering is changing and impermanent, and it arises from infinite causes and conditions. Jednakże, it feels intensely personal (“mine”), I, W rzeczywistości, jest jedną z podstaw, na których budujemy swoją tożsamość (“me and my problems”), co nazywa się „myleniem tego, co nie ma jaźni, za jaźń.” Ten stan umysłu generuje ciągły strach i niepokój. Kiedy rozpoznamy te proste prawdy o istnieniu, nietrwałość, cierpienie, and the absence of a “true self such as we perceive it,” możemy doświadczyć spokoju nirwany – and much more contentment and joy.

Nauczyciele: Susan Chapman and Fleet Maull

Kurs II – Druga Szlachetna Prawda: Pochodzenie cierpienia, Część I – Pięć Skand

Instructions in the Four Foundations of Mindfulness are interwoven with the teaching of The Four Noble Truths and provide a meditative method for embracing the totality of our basically good experiencewhich can include holding our anxiety, ból, strach, and suffering with unconditional friendliness for ourselves, Lub maitri.

Having recognized the truth of anxiety, strach, and suffering in our everyday life and the confusion that is also so often pervasive, naturalnie mamy pytania. How does this state of seemingly constant anxiety, zasypać, strach, and suffering ariseWhere does this confusion come from? In this in-depth exploration of another foundational Buddhist teaching“The Five Skandhas” – będziemy dotykać tych warstw lub konstelacji doświadczenia jedna po drugiej, zaczynając od bezwarunkowego, wrodzony grunt otwartej przestrzeni, and see how we create our own world of projections. Through this exploration we can uncover what is real and begin to tune into more contentment and joy.

Nauczyciele: Dale Asrael and John Rockwell

Kurs III – Druga Szlachetna Prawda: Pochodzenie cierpienia, część druga – Koło życia, Karma, i Dwanaście Nidan

The foundational teachings of the Buddha indicate that the anxiety, strach, depresja, and other forms of suffering we experience in our lives can end if we recognize, głęboko i głęboko, jak powstało to cierpienie. Wymaga to łagodnej odwagi i głębokiej kontemplacji, and means we must be willing to go beyond any previous simplified ideas about how and why our anxiety, fears and suffering have arisen.

Nauczyciele: Gelong Loden Nyima and Judith Simmer-Brown

Kurs IV – Trzecia Szlachetna Prawda: Wolność od cierpienia

Contemplating that anxiety, strach, depression and other forms of suffering can indeed endthat this is actually possiblewe first see the possibility and accessibility of the third noble truth as the “gap.We are basically good and innately worthy human beings. Uświadomienie sobie, że to prawda, jest takie proste, i cały czas to dostrzegamy. This can free us from our anxiety, strach, and depression, and leads to freedom.

Nauczyciele: Suzann Duquette and Daniel Hessey

Kurs V – Czwarta Szlachetna Prawda: Ścieżka Shili, Samadhi, i Pradżni

We have been studying the Buddha’s first teaching: The Four Noble Truths. After teaching that anxiety, depresja, strach, and other forms of suffering are pervasive to all experience, that there is a cause to that suffering and that the end of that suffering is possible, he then taught a way forward, which we call ”The Path.” In fact, everything the Buddha taught and all of our experience as practitioners are “The Path.” W tym kursie, we will examine this notion of “The Pathfrom multiple perspectives of what has been taught by the Buddha and what is experienced by us as individuals walking this beautiful and profound path of transformation.

Nauczyciele: Marianne Bots and Eric Spiegel

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